2016-02-05 Defense expert witness feesDefense has applied for Legal Aid to pay the costs of an expert witness.
What’s NewRecent posts. Start browsing here!
2015-10-19 Vader to be released on bailRick phoned to say that an acceptable residence for Vader has been obtained.
July, 2010Night before trip to BC (from trial testimony March 15, 2016)
2015-09-21 Lance & Bret meet with Rick JaneLance & I met with Rick Jane at our house. He provided us with subpeonas to testify on March 7 on the first day of the trial.
2019-03-06 Please support McCanns’ LawAdobe spark video made to support McCanns’ Law and the e-petition.
2015-12-03 Statements to Media on pre-trial hearingRenewed my confidence in both the RCMP & the Crown.
2015-11-24 Voir DireRick phoned to say that the Crown would like to meet with the family after the resolution of the voir dire court procedure.
Location HistoryMaps based on my Google Location History.